What happened to me time? As we all know, newlywed life can be quite a balancing act at times, and you get so caught-up in your everyday responsibilities that you completely neglect to pamper yourself once in awhile! Before you know it, it has been weeks or months since you’ve last seen the inside of the gym, you have not had a mani or pedi in… you don’t know how long, your ends are splitting, your roots are showing, and you’re starting to feel a little less-than-impressed with yourself! Aside from being negligent of your appearances, if you have not been taking time to focus on yourself as an individual or spending time with your girls, you may find yourself falling down a slippery slope into pessimism, anger and maybe boarderline depression!
If this is happening, you can bet your spouse is noticing it too! So let’s make a promise to take time to do things for ME! Take control of your happiness and your well-being before you begin to make those around us unhappy as well!
Here Are 5 Quick Me Time Moments Every Newlywed Can Use in Her Life…
1. If not once a week, make it every other week- but look into the fitness classes scheduled at your local gym, and get in there, have fun, and sweat your butt off! This is for sure going to relieve any aggressions and stress built up from the day! Most classes are only an hour, and you will walk out feeling like a new woman, physically and mentally refreshed! If you don’t feel comfortable going alone, bring a girl friend, it will also increase your energy and enthusiasm during your workout!
2. Take a break during your work day, and instead of going out for lunch, go for a walk! Throw your sneakers into your bag in the morning, and pack a light lunch for when you return. This will give your mind a break from your everyday responsibilities. If you’re not feeling very energetic, bring a book instead and find a quite place outside to indulge!
3. Schedule your hair or nail appointment, followed by a dinner date with your spouse. You will pleased with yourself, feel better about your appearance, and furthermore, your spouse will notice how fabulous you look, and the tone for the remainder of the evening is already set!
4. Find a brand new recipe and give it a whirl! You’re not only setting perhaps a challenge for yourself, but you’re about to impress your spouse as well. Even take it a step further, and set the table tonight and dine by candlelight!
5. Call a girl friend that you haven’t spoken to in awhile, and see about making plans to get together soon! Segregating yourself from your girlfriends is not only unhealthy for you, but indirectly isn’t healthy for your spouse either! Besides, you just know there are plenty of stories and laughs built up, that are too good not to share!
We’d love to hear from you, so please share your Me Time moments with us by leaving a comment!